Year 12: Last Few Days

Physics: Jason, Me, Bruce, Murray and Mr Miller.

Our party in Maths C. (Round the table going clockwise): Stuart, Stephen, Murray, Me, Jason (with a white streak through his head), Bruce, Jacqui and Peter.

Maths C party: Jacqui and Peter.

Maths C party: Nick G, and Chris.

Chemistry: (1 row back) Stuart, Yongas, Peter, Jason in front, Me.

Lunchtime under B Block. Kisbee and Crisander.

Lunchtime under B Block at our table: Peter and Aleisa

Lunchtime under B Block at our table: Jacqui kissing Jason. Irene next to Courtney strangling Yongas.

Lunchtime under B Block at our table: Bruce and Me.

Biology: Johnson, Me and Jared. I made some "close" friends.

Biology: Jared doing something to David which I think he likes, and Andy.

Biology: Johnson's hand, Jared's arse. Need I say more?

Biology: Tracey and Rohan. Future lovers.

Biology: Random Picutre of class.

Biology: Johnson And I.

Biology: Mrs Rush my teacher and I.

Maths B: Mrs Riddles, Rohan, Me, Murray and David. We put her through hell this year. I can't believe she never threw us out. She was quite surprised to be asked for this picutre.

Mr Burzar my Maths C Teacher and I.

Plantion Excursion: Stuey, Jacqui and Yongas hand.

Plantion Excursion: Jason, Adrian and Yongas.

Plantion Excursion: Yongas showing off his tummy to Peter.

Plantion Excursion: Jason and Keigen taking advantage of my girlfriend. Hmmm... she's really fighting back too.

Plantion Excursion: Jacqui H. playing with Joel's hair, no matter how much she says she doesn't like Joel I don't believe it. And beside them Doug.

Plantion Excursion: Me and Courtney having some fun on the 2nd last day.

Plantion Excursion: Okay this'll be hard. (Up the left side then down the right side): Adrian, Katherine's turned head, Jacqui's turned head, Douggie, Bruce, Aleisa, Stuey and Peter in the distance on the BBQ. (Comming back): Kisbee, Crisander, Me, Courtney and Yongas.

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