Aaron's Weird Arse Video Night


Well as many of you know (and may even have attended) I had a video party in which me and my friends sat around argued and watched some cool movies. Though it was fun I lost 2.3 years off my life from worry when the VCR decided to stop working and my friends turned on me, as it was my VCR. But after getting a different VCR the night progressed well, some movies were disliked by some, others loved by them. When not watching movies there was other entertainment such as the playstation, and chatting up girls on the net was a popular with some of the lads. So anyway heres the pictures, by the way did you notice I'm not in any of them, that is not by coincidence.

I suggest you minimise ICQ temporarily (don't worry it still there only minimised) while u view this page so you can see all the picture.


From left to right: Yongas showing us all his musical talent on my broken, untuned, and pretty much stringless guitar. Michael M being his usual whacked out self. Sven the departed Swedish guy (not dead just departed) being freaked out by the next two people. Stuart and Peter C pretending they too are god. And finally Jacqui the poor girl caught up in the shemozzle this night turned out to be.

Michael M asking all you lovely girls out their to give him a ring on 1900 GODINEEDSOME (he goes to an all boys school). Michael G paying absolutely no attention to the fact I have now stolen his soul by taking his photo.

Stuart getting jealous of Peter C who is residing next to Jacqui. But don't worry St's now going out with Jacqui and has nothing to fear. Notice the health food we had: PIZZA, nothing is better at shortening your life span.

Nice shot. Yongas playing his "geetar", Carlisle, Daniel, Stuey and the ever so lovely Jacqui.

Yongas getting jiggy with it.

This is a picture of Stuart and Jacqui before they watched "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Sitting together like good little catholic children.

Ok hang on what's going on here then? Well this is after "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", you may say its just a coincidence but I'm telling you this movie has mystical LOVE powers. Maybe I watch X files a bit too much but that's my thoughts on it.

The first real evidence that Satan: Dark Lord really does exist. Do not look directly into his eyes as you are likely to lose any humanity you posses. No, this is really Ben M, in front of my car but its too dark to see it. Its a Porsche I swear.

Top left: Doug - well sorry about that Dougie your kinda cut off, but I never was very good with a camera. Jacqui and Stuart. Yongas kicking Stuart in the arse, this photo was taken about 2secs too early otherwise St's face wouldn't be so happy. Bottom left: Peter C looking pretty satisfied with himself, he had just been chatting up chicks on the net. Sven probably thinking in disgust about our stupidity that night.

Michael M and Adam R showing off their sexy selves (or so they think) to the camera. Great looking bunch of friends I have, too bad I'm not more like them.

Another example of my great photography skills. Yongas 'serenading' the obviously grateful Michael M. After seeing this picture I wonder about the two of them... no I'm only kidding fellas. Sven once again paying more attention to others than to the camera, when will he ever learn. Bloody foreigners. Stuart and well Peter C is sorta there. I told you I was a great photographer.

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Our humble providers of sustenance. This is my mum and well.. the dickhead in the background is my gay brother. Damn he's a tool. They both are cooking up a nutritious meal of BBQ snags to follow out healthy pizza we has for lunch.

Sven, Ben, and Michael G enjoying themselves. Michael doesn't seem to be getting into it as much though.

Group shot before anyone left. Well almost anyone. Left to right we have Doug once again my camera doesn't appreciate him, Stuart, Jacqui, Yongas on the floor doing a spooky imitation of Adam Sandlar, Peter C above him, Sven beside, Me above and Michael G on the floor looking like a wanker..

I wont say why this picture was taken but I will say this in my defence, it keeps me warm on cold nights.

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