New Years Eve '99

Peter and I caught in the act.

Ben taking another picture of himself.

Stuey, Jacqui, and Yongas.

Good ol' fasion pile up. (Left to right): Ben, Stuart, Jacqui, Doug, Peter (just), and Yongas.

Ben and Kisbee showing themselves off, and Peter once again trying to get some action.

Stuart aslo strutting his stuff.

Peter and I comforting Yongas (he just found out hes out of tabasco sauce).

Jacqui, Me and Yongas with Kisbee on the far left spinning out.

Stuart caught drinking when his parents thought it would be a "dry" party. And even if it wasn't.... their little Stuey doesn't drink of course.

(Left to right): Tracey (far back), Eileen, David Lai, Colin (below David), Kylie (above David), Peter, Kisbee, Me, and Yongas.

Random photo of the crowd for the hell of it.

Ben, Peter and Stuart celebrating the new melenium dancing on Kylie's roof top

Kisbee in his Sepultura shirt.

Kylie's photo taken without her knowing about it.

Kylie posing.

Disco Queen Yongas.

(L to R): Peter, Kylie, Stuart, Yongas, and Jacqui Holland.

Ben and Yongas caught in the act (a lot of blackmailing took place after this night). Stuey snoring away.

Me sleeping. Man I woke up sore. Those couches suck.


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