Dream World '99

Mikey and Crisander in the line for the Thunderbolt.

Me and Crisander in line for the Thunderbolt.

Me getting out of the Gravitron. I feel about as good as I look.

Michael's lovely eating habits.

My reclining self.

Michael's Tattoo.

Bad picture of Michael in the line for Tower of Terror

Cris and Dan.

Two tigers having sex (well I was hoping the photos would turn out so it would look like they were).

Baby Koala.

Ben M in the line for the Tower of Terror. Took the photo himself I think.

Renee and Sarah in the line for the Tower of Terror.

Ben. Self explanatory.

Me, looking "mean".

(Left to Right): Daniel O, Carl P, Michael M, Ben, Dan and me.

Ben's mouth full of a forgien substance.

Me looking intelectual.

Me and Crisander waiting for the bus.

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