Doyle's 18th Fancy Dress Party

Me getting my nails done by my mum.


Me again, lokking sexier than ever. I sweat I was the sexyist looking chick there.

Me and Courtney. Courtney was an Angel.

Bruce came as a Derro.

Keegan came as James Bond.

Yongas came as a baby.

Yongas again. His costume is so realistic, he's actually used the nappie.

Joel as Ozzie Ozzyborne.

Rohan came as a chick (we all reckon Katherine Spriggs, it was her clothes after all).

Tracey came as the girlfriend of Satan and her boyfriend Nathan came as a Prostitute.

Jacqui and Danni came as Fairies.

I always knew Stuart was a fairy.

Jason came as James Bond aswell (god knows who the girls are he brought).

I'm so lady like.

Group shot.

Another group shot (I'm getting Lazy).

Nathan and Tracey.

Me and my birthday cake aswell as Courtney.


Jason molesting Jacqui.

Rohan's bum.

Sexy Bruce's tummy.

Us all in the pool. (L to R): Paul M, Jason holding Danni, Aleisa, Joel holding Jacqui H, Bruce clasping Stuart and Me, and Courtney furthest right.

Joel claimed Danni for his own and is taking her upstairs.

Jacqui H..

Peter had a few I think, by the way hes standing.

Michael in his scream mask (Dirty alcoholic started drinking the second he arrived).

Unkown terrorist (Mikey).

Doug taking a piss in the garden. Peter was aswell, but he ran back just before I took the picture.


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